Technology: “Planning Commission Approves a Uniquely Styled Sunset Strip Billboard”

Technology: “Planning Commission Approves a Uniquely Styled Sunset Strip Billboard”

Photo: In
“With a unanimous vote on Thursday night, West Hollywood’s Planning Commission approved a new cutting-edge digital billboard on the Sunset Strip that will appear to float in the air.

Using the latest LED technology, the ‘Floating Billboard’ at 8743 Sunset Blvd. at Sherbourne Drive, will have an opaque frame that seems to disappear when viewed from certain angles. This ‘invisible frame’ will make the digital advertising image on the 14-foot-tall and 48-foot-wide LED billboard appear to float above the historic building beneath it.

The secret to the three-foot ‘invisible frame’ surrounding the billboard’s advertising area is that it too will be made of LED digital surface. Cameras at the rear of the billboard will continually take images of the sky conditions to the east and transmit those live images onto the LED frame facing west.

‘It will reflect the sky behind to the front edge of the billboard and then create the illusion of an invisible billboard,’ explained billboard architect Benjamin Anderson.

This new digital billboard will replace the existing static billboard atop the Constance Bennett building, which dates back to 1936. The Georgian Revival style building was named after the famous movie actress who commissioned it. Sunset Sherbourne Holdings, LLC, headed by Chris Bonbright, currently owns the building…”

— James F. Mills,
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