Scenic Intersections

Sarasota Roundabout Sculpture – Photo by Kathryn Dow in 83degrees Media

Landscaping and Fountains at Intersections

Landscaping a Roundabout with Lighting and Tree

Using Landscaping and Lighting in Roundabouts

Supporting Public Art at Intersections and Along Roadways

Sarasota Arts at an Intersection – Photo Inspire Sarasota

Intersections Featuring Artwork

Modern Roundabouts Make Excellent Platforms for Public Art

Entry Way to Avon, CO

Entry Way to Avon, CO

Instead of ugly, dangerous no-man’s-lands of barren asphalt, modern roundabouts can enrich the beauty of the roadway system and surroundings. 

Strong support from the arts community can help roundabout proposals succeed.

Florida’s Roundabout Art

Roundabout Art Worldwide

Europe is full of circular intersections celebrating history, culture and community values.  The United States is starting to also install these types of artworks.

Murals at Intersections Build Community, Encourage Neighborhoods and Increase Safety

St. Petersburg Intersection Mural Project - Photo Shine ON St. Pete Bike/Walk

St. Petersburg Intersection Mural Project – Photo Shine ON St. Pete Bike/Walk

Painted Intersections

Place Making at Intersections

Modern Roundabouts Make Great Public Spaces


Sarasota Roundabout Brings Gathering Space and Bikes – Photo Ken Sides

Community Places at Intersections

Scenic Intersections in the News

Contributing Editors of Scenic Intersections Online:

Scenic Florida Board members
Trudy Barker and
Ken Sides

Ken Sides PE, CNU-a

Ken Sides is a Senior Transportation Engineer with Sam Schwartz Engineering in Tampa, Florida.
Mr. Sides is an accredited member of the Congress of New Urbanism.
He is a long-serving memberof the ITE and TRB Roundabout Committees.