Scenic Intersections

Sarasota Roundabout Sculpture – Photo by Kathryn Dow in 83degrees Media
Landscaping and Fountains at Intersections

Landscaping a Roundabout with Lighting and Tree
Using Landscaping and Lighting in Roundabouts
Supporting Public Art at Intersections and Along Roadways

Sarasota Arts at an Intersection – Photo Inspire Sarasota
Intersections Featuring Artwork
Modern Roundabouts Make Excellent Platforms for Public Art

Entry Way to Avon, CO
Instead of ugly, dangerous no-man’s-lands of barren asphalt, modern roundabouts can enrich the beauty of the roadway system and surroundings.
Strong support from the arts community can help roundabout proposals succeed.
Florida’s Roundabout Art
Roundabout Art Worldwide
Europe is full of circular intersections celebrating history, culture and community values. The United States is starting to also install these types of artworks.
Murals at Intersections Build Community, Encourage Neighborhoods and Increase Safety

St. Petersburg Intersection Mural Project – Photo Shine ON St. Pete Bike/Walk
Painted Intersections
Place Making at Intersections
Modern Roundabouts Make Great Public Spaces

Sarasota Roundabout Brings Gathering Space and Bikes – Photo Ken Sides
Community Places at Intersections
Scenic Intersections in the News
Alert! Citizens petition to keep mega billboards out of city parks
Illustration via using original photo credit on Miami New Times - Richard Cavalleri Giant 1800 square foot billboards slated for parks and other government properties in Miami. Resident's start a petition drive and updated information...
“City Rejects Art Slated for Fruitville Road and U.S. 41 Roundabout”
Photo: Sujin Lim "The Sarasota City Commission yesterday rejected a proposal for a new sculpture resembling coral to be installed in the roundabout at the intersection of Fruitville Road and U.S. 41. Following a call to artists issued last year, the city’s public art...
A Historic Look At A Complete Streets Project: Anna Maria’s Scenic Intersection Across Decades
Before: Michael Wallwork, P.E. After: Michael Wallwork, P.E. 27 Years of Beauty: Michael Wallwork, P.E. Built in the 90s, a landscaped roundabout intersection in Bradenton Beach continues to showcase tropical foliage, is decorated during the holidays and continues to...
St. Petersburg: “EDGE District Sculpture Turns Heads”
Photo: Abby Baker "Drivers and sidewalk-goers in downtown St. Petersburg have likely speculated about the 30-foot, stone sun sculpture that shrinks surrounding buildings and its platform, a roundabout in the city’s bustling EDGE district. New York-based and...
UPDATE: “Official groundbreaking celebrated for Inlet Beach Underpass”
Photo: Walton County Public Information "Ground was officially broken on March 26 for a project that had been years in preparation, the Inlet Beach Underpass. Approximately 100 people attended the event hosted by the Walton County Board of County Commissioners (BCC)...
Sarasota: “A City of Visionaries, Roundabouts, and the Arts”
Photo: Nate Ilardi for City of Sarasota The Jumping Fish sculpture stands 16 ft high by 12 ft wide in the center island of the modern roundabout at Cocoanut Avenue & Palm Avenue. The sculpture was selected from among 140 submissions and is the 84th piece in...
Holiday Placemaking: How Downtown Lansing’s Ornaments Became A Cult Fave”
Photo: Abigail Censky, WKAR PBS "The big red ornaments sitting in the roundabout in front of the Capitol have been a Lansing tradition for more than a decade. But, last year—there was a chance that they’d disappear forever before a good Samaritan stepped in... Craig...
“FDOT to plant native greenery along Hart Expressway”
"Conceptual plans for the Hart Expressway landscaping project received an overwhelmingly positive response from those who attended the Florida Department of Transportation’s (FDOT) July 18 public meeting at the Northeast Florida Safety Council. Members of the project...
“Public art in roundabouts helps calm traffic, create sense of place”
"At the center of Tampa's Channel District roundabout, just north of the Florida Aquarium, a 19-ton sculpture known colloquially as 'The Exploding Chicken' provides an attention-grabbing vantage point for motorists as it fluffs a flurry of metallic yellow feathers 36...
Contributing Editors of Scenic Intersections Online:
Scenic Florida Board members
Trudy Barker and
Ken Sides

Ken Sides PE, CNU-a
Ken Sides is a Senior Transportation Engineer with Sam Schwartz Engineering in Tampa, Florida.
Mr. Sides is an accredited member of the Congress of New Urbanism.
He is a long-serving member of the ITE and TRB Roundabout Committees.