
680 Tree Fact Sheets (.pdf)
University of Florida Environmental Horticulture Dept. The selection options include plant family, common name, and scientific name.

American Forests
“American Forests is the nation’s oldest nonprofit citizen conservation organization, founded in 1875. Our vigorous advocacy helped create the conservation movement and the National Park and National Forest systems in the U.S.”

American Planning Association
“Organized to advance the art and science of planning and to foster the activity of planning — physical, economic, and social — at the local, regional, state, and national levels. …to encourage planning that will contribute to public well-being by developing communities and environments that meet the needs of people and of society more effectively.”

Brookings Institute Center on Urban and Metropolitan Policy

Cell Tower Protest, Jacksonville
How, in the dead of night, an existing city electrical pole next to one’s home can transmogrify itself into a Sprint PCS tower … How a communications tower doesn’t violate the law if you call it something else.

One attorney’s experience with cell towers, practical advice, and links to other sites. Attorney Kirk Wines has tepresented a number of private citizens and neighborhood groups fighting to protect their property values by keeping unsightly cell towers out of their neighborhoods. He has participated as a witness and an attorney before hearing examiners throughout the Greater Seattle / King County area.

Cellular Tower
Coalition Information from around the country on legislative and judicial developments, activist efforts, technology, and links.

Citizens Against Ugly Street Spam
Citizens Against Ugly Street Spam is a non-profit organization formed by citizens of various cities to fight against the proliferation of unsightly, illegal advertising signs placed along roadways, streets intersections and even in front of houses, for the sole purpose of STEALING free advertising at the expense of the aesthetics of the community.

The Dunn Foundation
“The mission of The Dunn Foundation is to promote the quality of the visual environment as a guiding principle for the growth and development of America’s communities through education and philanthropy.”

E / The Environmental Magazine
An independent newsstand-quality publication on environmental issues — a magazine to educate, inspire and empower Americans to make a difference for the environment

EnviroLink – The Online Environmental Community
“EnviroLink is a non-profit organization … a grassroots online community that unites hundreds of organizations and volunteers around the world with millions of people in more than 150 countries. EnviroLink is dedicated to providing you with the most comprehensive, up-to-date environmental resources available.”

Environmental News Network, Inc.
“ENN strives to host a global online network for the environmental community
by providing valuable content, communications and commerce opportunities. The Environmental News Network is a privately owned company
located in Sun Valley, Idaho. We are recognized as one of the leading online producers of environmental news and information”

Environmental Working Group
“In 1965, in an attempt to preserve the scenic beauty of America’s highways,Congress passed the Highway Beautification Act (HBA), one of the first modern environmental laws … Thirty-two years after its passage, the Act has become little more than a billboard protection program.” Download reports by state.

Florida Audubon Society
“Florida Audubon Society is the statewide voice of conservation, promoting the protection, preservation, and restoration of birds, all wildlife, and their habitat through science based advocacy and education.”

Florida Department of Transportation

Link to the FDOT planning pages.

Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc.
“Home pages for the FFGC featuring information on: activities, scholarships, youth camp, floral design courses, arrangements, special
Florida gardens, tours, shows, and special events of the various affiliated clubs in the state of Florida.”

Florida Internet Center for Understanding Sustainability (FICUS)
“FICUS is an educational network and discussion forum provided by The Florida Center for Community Design and
and FICUS member organizations. The site is continually expanding and is currently attracting large numbers of users. The site is designed for use by all citizens interested in the mission.”

Florida League of Cities
“This site is designed to provide visitors with the latest information on League services, programs, publications and events. You can also access select state and federal agencies, as well as Florida cities from this site.

Florida National Scenic Trail/Florida Trail Association
“The development of what has evolved into the Florida National Scenic Trail (FNST) began with volunteers of the Florida Trail Association more than twenty-five years ago. Today, bordered by rivers and lakes and surrounded by forests of palms, pine, cypress, and moss-draped live oaks, this trail offers a unique hiking experience. Utilizing public lands where possible and developed under agreements with private landowners elsewhere, the trail threads its way through the state.”

Florida Native Plant Society
The Florida Native Plant Society was organized in 1980 to promote the preservation, conservation, and restoration of Florida’s native plants and native plant communities. FNPS identifies and advises on development restraints, the locations of valuable areas, and means of protecting native plants and plant communities. FNPS provides relevant information to government officials, businesspeople, educators, and the public, and holds conferences, symposia, and workshops on native plants and their conservation, and habitat restoration.

Florida Photographic Collection
“Featuring over 143,000 digitized photographs from the State Archives of Florida, the Florida Photographic Collection is the most complete online portrait of Florida available–one that draws its strength from family pictures, the homes of Floridians, their work, and their pastimes.”

Florida Scenic Highways
“Real Places and Real Stories”

Garden Club of Georgia
“The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc., is a non-profit educational organization with 16,500 members statewide. These members all belong to member garden clubs and there are approximately 550 individual garden clubs in our organization. We are affiliated with the 265,000 member National Council of State Garden Clubs, Inc. (NCSGC).”

Green Earth Journal
“The Journal is a free environmental news report, published two or three times weekly. We gather reports from the grassroots and publish stories you won’t see in the daily press. We also publish occasional feature articles on topics auch as the little-known history of the Endangered Species Act.”

Green Matters
“The busy person’s center for environmental change. We take the difficulty and guesswork out of living greener by making it faster and simpler for you to get answers, respond to action alerts, learn eco-tips, and find earth friendly products.”

Identified Benefits of Community Trees and Forests by Dr. Kim D. Coder, University of Georgia

“Community trees and forests are valuable. To the 75% of the United States population that now live in urban and suburban areas, trees provide many goods and services. Values are realized by the people that own the trees, by people nearby, and by society in general. . .”

International Dark-Sky Association
“IDA’s goal is to be effective — through education about (a) the value and effectiveness of quality nighttime lighting and (b) of the solutions to the
problems — in stopping the adverse environmental impact of light pollution and space debris. We are making a difference!”

ISA International Society of Arboriculture

“Arboriculture On-line was developed to assist tree care professionals in developing and maintaining effective plant health care programs. It is produced by The International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) and the University of Illinois Cooperative States Research, Education, and Extension Service (ICSREES).”

Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
“The purpose of the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center is to educate people about the environmental necessity, economic value, and natural beauty of native plants.”

Lakes Education Action Drive(“LE/AD”)
“LE/AD is an organization dedicated to preserving the quality and beauty of our Florida lakes.”

The Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo County, Calif.
“We pursue the protection of open space through land aquisition, conservation easements, restoration, and stewardship. …As part of the community, we are able to address community needs. Since our methods are non-confrontational, we maintain a positive approach to all of our relationships with private and public landowners.”

The Land Trust Alliance
“The Land Trust Alliance promotes voluntary land conservation and strengthens the land trust movement by providing the leadership, information,
skills and resources land trusts need to conserve land for the benefit of communities and natural systems.”

National Arbor Day Foundation
“The National Arbor Day Foundation is involved in much more than just Arbor Day celebrations around the world. Its mission is to help promote tree care and conservation and to educate people on tree issues.”

New Town Law
Information about legal planning for new urbanist development.

New Urban News
A publication devoted exclusively to new urbanist development. Its site has extensive links to other sites of interest.

The Outdoor Circle
“Keeping Hawai`i clean, green and beautiful for 85 years.” “The Mission of The Outdoor Circle is to keep Hawai`i clean, green and beautiful
by protecting, preserving and enhancing the environment for future generations.”

Phytosphere Research
Phytosphere Research provides the information needed to effectively manage plant resources in urban and rural environments, natural ecosystems, and
agricultural systems.

Planners Web: Planning Commissioners Journal
articles and resources on the problems and promise of development, such as
tree protection,
transfer of
development rights, and more.

“PlanWireless is a newsletter devoted to telling local governments what the wireless industry isn’t telling them. PlanWireless is published by Kreines & Kreines, Inc., a consulting firm that helps cities and counties plan for cellular towers. Kreines & Kreines, Inc. doesn’t work for the wireless industry.”

The Preservation Project, Jacksonville
In January 1999, Jacksonville Mayor John Delaney unveiled The Preservation Project, a $312.8 million plan to improve the quality of life of Jacksonville residents by enhancing parks, purchasing land for conservation and improving access to the city’s natural assets. The Preservation Project is a
growth management plan that, through massive land acquisition, aims to take land out of development and improve air and water quality.

San Francisco Beautiful
A 50-plus-year-old, non-profit, urban design and beautification organization whose mission is to improve the livability of San Francisco by creating,
enhancing and protecting civic beauty. Featured issues include Gigantic Billboards; Union Square Signage, Redesign and BID; Undergrounding of
Overhead Utility Wires and Streetlighting Issues; Utility Box Placement Controls; Newsrack Ordinance Update

Scenic America
“Scenic America is the only national nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving and enhancing the scenic character of America’s communities and
countryside.” “Scenic America, along with our growing number of state affiliates, helps citizens and elected officials take charge of their
communities’ futures – how they want their communities to look and how to achieve their vision. We are advocates for local, state and
federal laws that bolster all communities’ abilities to preserve and enhance their distinctive character.”

Sierra Club
“The Sierra Club is a nonprofit, member-supported public interest organization that promotes conservation of the natural environment by influencing public policy decisions: legislative, administrative, legal, and electoral.”

Sierra Club’s Suburban Sprawl Reports
Including: “The Dark Side of the American Dream: The Costs and Consequences of Suburban Sprawl”

Sierra Club’s Visual Pollution Policy

Who ya gonna call? Hometown America fights back: news, research, organizing

Sprawl Watch Clearinghouse
A resource center providing information, advice, and referrals on issues related to sprawl, smart growth and livable communities. The Clearinghouse
helps advocates, grassroots organizations, public officials, developers, planners, policymakers, architects and others revitalize existing communities
and reduce urban sprawl.

Springfield Historic District
This site celebrates the Springfield District of Jacksonville, Florida, listed in the National Register of Historic Places as Jacksonville’s second Historic District. Springfield has thousands of vintage houses — over two-thirds of the residences presently found in Springfield were built before 1921.

Texas Transportation Institute Urban Mobility Study
This report evaluates travel conditions and operations of the freeway and principal arterial street networks in 68 urbanized areas (including 5 urban areas in Florida).

“It is the goal of this site to serve as an information resource on the towerkill problem and to promote cooperative solutions for mitigating the needless slaughter of millions of songbirds every year.”

Tree Hill, Inc. – Jacksonville’s Nature Center
Where learning comes Naturally! Tree Hill Nature Center is a non-profit wildlife preserve, an urban wilderness of unspoiled, undeveloped land right in the heart of the city. Tree Hill has been an integral part of the environmental landscape in Northeast Florida for three decades.

Tree Pruning Practices
From the USDA Forest Service

Utility Arborist Association
“Through the International Society of Arboriculture, UAA is people serving people, enhancing the quality of utility arboriculture. Our mission is to provide UAA members with opportunities to improve their skills and knowledge, and enhance public awareness.”

Walkable Communities, Inc.
“Walkable Communities, Inc. is a non-profit corporation, established in the state of Florida in 1996. It was organized for the express purposes of helping whole communities, whether they are large cities or small towns, or parts of communities, i.e. neighborhoods, business districts, parks, school districts, subdivisions, specific roadway corridors, etc., become more walkable and pedestrian friendly.”