by TRC_Admin | May 27, 2020 | Nature, Wildflowers
Photo: Mark Berlinger, a supervisor at the Jay B. Starkey Wilderness Park in Pasco County, FL
“Amid all the fear, tension and frustration during the coronavirus pandemic, it’s easy to lose sight of the beauty surrounding you in Florida.
While everyone was hunkered down at home, spring officially sprung March 19.
As befuddling as the concept of linear time might seem after six weeks of quarantine, the tilt of the Earth on its rotation around the sun means the changing of seasons remains, literally, an unstoppable force of nature…
As a reminder, Patch is sharing some amazing nature photos taken by Mark Berlinger, a supervisor at the Jay B. Starkey Wilderness Park, 10500 Wilderness Park Blvd., New Port Richey.
Many Pasco County Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources parks and facilities are open for limited recreational activities including hiking, biking, swimming and jogging…”
— D’Ann Lawrence White, Patch Staff
See more of these photos and read entire article here
by TRC_Admin | May 27, 2020 | Placemaking
Illustration: Preserve the ‘Burg
“It has been said that attachment to a place increases with the distinctiveness of that place. As big-box stores, fast-food chains, and sprawl overtake so many Florida cities, St. Pete has jealously guarded its charm and distinctiveness. And we love it for that.
Preserve the ‘Burg will explore the city’s unique personality in a new series of one-minute videos, titled ‘A Sense of Place’. The series will offer a glimpse into those places and people that make St. Pete special. We hope these videos will remind you, as we all stay sheltered in our homes, how lucky we are to be a part of a place as special as St. Petersburg.

The first video in this series is focused on First Block. Would you believe that St. Pete and all of Pinellas County banned alcohol 7 years before Prohibition took effect across the Country?…”
— Preserve the ‘Burg Newsletter
See video here
Visit Preserve the ‘Burg here
by TRC_Admin | May 27, 2020 | Placemaking
Photo: Tampa International Airport
“On Saturday, May 16, chalk artists – big and small – visited the Airport’s Cell Phone Waiting Lot to see their art displayed on the big screen.
After soliciting digital chalk art drawings from May 5 – 12, the Airport team ultimately received 557 submissions, selecting 119. The art serves to inspire and uplift both the traveling public and TPA’s own essential employees.
‘This initiative was really positive for us, not only because of the incredible images we received, but because we got the opportunity to bring the community together during these difficult times,’ said Chris Minner, Executive Vice President of Marketing…
Roughly 80 vehicles of chalk art connoisseurs stopped by Saturday’s event, driving by the screens or taking a beat to park and watch the images scroll by.
The selected pieces will live on digital screens throughout the Airport for the next month.”
— Tampa International Airport
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by TRC_Admin | May 27, 2020 | Scenic Highways
Map: Florida Scenic Highways
“Danielle Anderson, Byway Administrator for the A1A Scenic & Historic Coastal Byway, informed local Historic City News reporters that her organization was one-of-two National Scenic Byways in Florida to receive recognition. Their video project, ‘Capturing the A1A Byway Story’, part of the Roadmap to History video series in development, was selected for Honorable Mention by the National Scenic Byway Foundation on April 23, 2020.
‘Capturing the A1A Byway Story’ introduces audiences around the world to the A1A Scenic & Historic Coastal Byway, one of 150 National Scenic Byways in America. With visually stunning images, the video captures a snapshot of the stories behind the creation of the advocacy group representing Flagler and St Johns counties as the Friends of A1A Scenic and Historic Coastal Byway.
‘We were proud to receive the news that our project had been selected for Honorable Mention by the National Scenic Byway Foundation,’ said Friends of A1A President, Marge Rooyakkers. ‘The team that worked on this project put in a tremendous amount of effort to make this happen, and our supporting partners from the A1A Byway communities were gracious in sharing information and taking part in this project to showcase all that the northeast Florida region has to offer.
The Florida Keys All-American Road was selected for first place, receiving the 2020 Byway Organization Marketing and Communications Award… In a release from the National Scenic Byway Foundation, Executive Director Sharon Strouse, cited the reasons behind the selection. ‘The St Augustine group recognized that humans are visual learners in this fast-paced world,’ Strouse wrote. ‘A picture is worth a thousand words is their refrain.’
Widespread support by the many project partners, and recognizing the intrinsic qualities of the 72-mile byway coastal corridor, is credited for the success of the project, Anderson told Historic City News…”
— Historic City News
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