Photo: Steve Coleman
“Georgia tickseed (Coreopsis nudata) is a short-lived native perennial that thrives in wet conditions.”

“While driving or riding around the local roads at this time of the year you might think – wow, look at all those wildflowers. They may all look alike as they blur past your window, but did you ever take the time to check the intricate details of these amazing flowers?

A popular road this time of year is Highway 65 that goes through Sumatra.

Visit some of the unique local shops along the way – they are a great source of information as to where the best wildflower viewing sites are in that particular area. The UF/IFAS Extension Bookstore ( has a number of books that go into much more detail about wildflowers.

All of this beauty is right in your backyard… If you miss this season’s show, fear not – there will be an encore in the fall.”

— Carole McKay, Guest columnist,Tallahassee Democrat

Read this article for additional info on plants including photos