“Casselberry to focus on bikes and pedestrians to improve connectivity”

“Casselberry to focus on bikes and pedestrians to improve connectivity”

Photo: Sentinel

“…Known for its quiet residential neighborhoods and city-owned golf course, Casselberry is moving forward with long-range plans to transform city streets into friendlier avenues for bicyclists and pedestrians.

In the coming years, the city plans to add wider sidewalks, crosswalks, shared bike lanes and shade trees.

‘We’re trying to improve our community by having much more connectivity,’ City Commissioner Anthony Aramendia said. ‘We have a golf course that meanders through several neighborhoods, we have a chain of lakes and we have two schools. So we have to make our streets more comfortable to use for bicyclists and pedestrians. It’s a quality of life issue and for the safety of our children.’…”

— Martin E. Comas, Orlando Sentinel

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