Photo: Prnewsfoto/Degree, Forbes

“Five cities in the United States are going to make it a little easier for their residents to be healthy.

On September 18, 2019, Degree Deodorant announced the five winners in the brand’s first Made To Move grant program, a national competition that will dedicate $500,000 in funding for city projects that encourage healthy, active lifestyles…

After reviewing applications submitted from 46 communities representing 28 states, the following cities were selected to receive funding and project support: Hartford, Connecticut; Fort Lauderdale, Florida; Jersey City, New Jersey; Chattanooga, Tennessee; and Richardson, Texas…

Fort Lauderdale

Within the past five years, ‘A Complete Streets Policy’ Plan was adopted and more than 28 new miles of bike lanes, 11 miles of new sidewalks, and 102 new or enhanced crosswalks were installed. This grant will enhance accessibility and connections to the Flagler Greenway in a designated Transportation Equity Zone with bike and micro-mobility parking, adding both recreation-based and utilitarian-based transportation opportunities. These changes will transform the infrastructure into a comfortable and inviting experience for all ages, abilities, and modes of transportation.”

— Alan Kohll, Forbes

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