Kathryn Starkey resides in Pasco County, Florida. The Starkey Family are long time Florida residents who have cattle and land development interests. Mrs. Starkey graduated high school in Miami, attended school overseas, and studied Design and Marketing at FSU.
Mrs. Starkey was elected to the Pasco County School Board in 2004 and currently serves as vice-chair. Mrs. Starkey sits on the Board of Directors of the Florida School Board Association. She is serving her second term on the Anclote River Basin Board of the Southwest Water Management District, appointed twice by Governor Bush. She serves on the State Greenways and Trails Council. Other boards include the Tampa Bay Regional Chapter of the American Red Cross. Former and current commitments include: Citizens Ordinance Review Committee, Citizens Advisory Committee to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan; All Children’s Hospital Guild (former president); Scenic Pasco (co-founder); Pasco 2001 (co-founder); Celebration Pasco (co-founder); Leadership Pasco (board member); Leadership Tampa Bay (class of 2002); Tomorrow Matters and Pasco Builders Association (board member). Honors include: Honorary member Florida State Parks Department.
In 1999 she was instrumental in pushing through a billboard ordinance which banned the permitting of future billboards. She was also involved in efforts to have the medians landscaped throughout the county and other projects to beautify Pasco.
Kathryn has four children: Lindsey, a UF Med Student, Hunter FSU Graduate, and eleven year old twins Zachary and Madison.
10928 Alico Pass
New Port Richey, Florida 34655
Phone: 727-376-3046K