Photo: Sandy Arpen – John Crescimbini with Amy Fu, Vice Chair of Jacksonville’s Environmental Protection Board

“John Crescimbini was awarded the 2018 Charles E. Bennett Champion of the Environment Award from the Jacksonville Environmental Protection Board. The award, which is the EPB’s highest award, was be presented to John on September 14. Last year Bill Brinton received this award posthumously.

Photo: Sandy Arpen – John Crescimbini with Jason Ellis of City Beautiful Jax, Janet Stanko of the Sierra Club, Alicia Grant of Scenic Jacksonville, Inc., Tracey Arpen of City Beautiful Jax and Anna Dooley of Greenscape

The award is named for the late Congressman Charlie Bennett, who was instrumental in establishing the Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve in Jacksonville, which now covers. 46,000 acres. He served in Congress for 44 years. Like John, he was a dedicated and hard-working public servant, at one point going 26 years without missing a single roll call vote!”

— Scenic Florida
Environmental Protection Board